Hello everyone, another small update! :)
- Removed the reset of all skills after Grand Reset, there will be no more problems with the master-level skill after GR;
- Added the ability to replace one ants set with another analogue (for example: Enis to Anubis) by adding a Jewel of Ancient stone to an Ancient thing, success rate: 30%;
- Fixed dmg for new weapons;
- We fixed the server time, we do not have a clock translation, the time will always be the same, with the exception of the castle siege, it changes with the clock translation;
- Slightly increased the chance of getting excellent and ancient items with Luck;
- Increased magic defense of top bosses, and slightly reduced physical defense;
- Revised dmg for BK, slightly increased dmg in PvE and PvP against Dl, SM and Elf;
- Despite the BK update, he shows all his abilities in a combo, with a twist he shouldn't kill anyone;
- Minor gameplay tweaks, like new ads in the center, etc.
- Also in the process of new interesting updates, will be released in June-July.
All of the above updates will be introduced today 16.05 from 19: 00-22: 00 on the server after a minute of server reconnect.